


求初二英语作文:How to prevent the flu

How to prevent the flu 如何预防流感 These days,many people become sick,especially have the flu.Every year,wh...

初二英语作文:流感即将来临 提几条建议

The most effective way to prevent influenza is by getting the influenza vaccine (the flu shot) and using simple infection control measures such as hand ...


1. Achoo! Cover Your Mouth and Nose to Stop the Flu It starts with a tickle, a prickle, an itch: Achoo! Cover up that sneeze to avoid spreading flu germ...


Flu always happens between changes of seasons. Now as winter is coming soon, it is necessary to find some ways to prevnt influenza.First, flu transmits ...

英语作文 假如你是某国际中学学生会主席,近日你校不

Last but not the least, if you are unlucky to be infected with the slight flu cold, try to stay at home, and take some medicine. Do pay attention to you...


1. Don't touch your face Above all, keep your hands away from your eyes, mouth and nose, all of which serve as pathways for the virus to enter your resp...

高中英语作文:甲流英语作文 预防流感,从我做起

distance when talking to someone who shows signs of infection, says Louise Dembry, director of epidemiology at Yale–New Haven Hospital in Connecti...


众所周知,现在流感相当严重,传播速度很快。However, if we take good care of ourselves, we can protect ourselv...


1 usually strengthen physical exercise, rest more, avoid excessive overworked, do not smoke, wash their hands; pay attention to personal hygiene, when s...


2, We should take some exercise to buil our body healthier. 3, We seldom go to the crowded places, where there are probably more spreaders. In one word,...


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